You Are a Dream of the Earth
Remember, Earth has Dreamed you into Being.
Given you this EarthDreamBody.
Her longing to roam around on two feet, conscious of herself,
is fulfilled in your very aliveness.
Feel her rivers your veins,
her air your lungs,
her rocks and stones your bones,
her animal nature your flesh and muscle.
Deep firey volcanic stirrings your gut.
She has dreamed you into being and you are bound to her by the force of love.
Your sweet life given to you by eons of creation and your only job here is remembering who you really are; a product of love more powerful than you can imagine.
Honor your mother, Earth. Remember and hold her love for you in the very core of your being for these few short breaths of aliveness.
When your time is done, your body will return to give more life.
Remember, Earth is dreaming
Filled and sourced by love.
Created to witness the beauty of creation.
Stand in this each day.
This is your task, to reawaken to the love that is patiently waiting for you in your EarthDreamBody.
~Valerie Hope Cherrin